Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Leveling from 1 - 46

• Follow the Type that your said Digimon is.
• You can also level up faster doing the quests of the File Island (like Silver Lake, where you can do all the daily quests and get level 41~ fast).


1 - 11TsunomonUpamonKoromon or DemiMeramonYokohama Village
11 - 16Armadillomon or DigmonWestern Village
16 - 21Leomon or Birdramon then Deputymon and GreymonWestern Area: Outskirts and Western Area: East
21 - 25Sabirdramon and BoarmonWilderness Area
25 - 29Garurumon, and Leomon (Tracker)Wind Valley
29 - 33GatomonCerberumon and Leomon (Chaser)Digimon Farm
33 - 35UpamonTsunomonKoromon or TanemonSilver Lake
35 - 38PatamonSilver Lake
38 - 46GotsumonSilver Lake


Level 1 - 11KeramonChrysalimonKunemonFlymon or BlackGarurumonYokohama Village
Level 11 - 16Woodmon or ImpmonWestern Village
Level 16 - 21Dobermon or RockmonWestern Area: East
Level 21 - 25Stingmon or DevimonWilderness Area
Level 25 - 29IceDevimonWind Valley
Level 29 - 33WaruMonzaemonDigimon Farm
Level 33 - 36SkullSatamon or SkullGreymonOil Refinery-1
Level 34 - 38WaspmonGardromon or CherrymonOil Refinery-2
Level 38 - 46NeoDevimon or DexDoruGreymonOil Refinery-3


Level 1 - 11MeramonDrimogemonRenamon or ElecmonYokohama Village
Level 11 - 16Candlemon or TogemonWestern Village
Level 16 - 21Kiwimon, then Dobermon or RockmonWestern Area: Outskirts and Western Area: East
Level 21 - 24BoarmonWilderness Area
Level 24 - 29DoggymonIcemon or WizardmonWind Valley
Level 29 - 33Blossomon or WaruMonzaemonDigimon Farm
Level 33 - 36KnightmonSkullSatamon or SkullGreymonOil Refinery-1
Level 34 - 38MeteormonVolcamon or SinduramonOil Refinery-2
Level 38 - 46NeoDevimonSaberLeomon or DexDoruGreymonOil Refinery-3

• All type of Digimon follow the same path.

Leveling from 46 - 75

Level 46 - 51HellMetalGreymonWestern Area: West
Level 51 - 57SkullGreymonDark Tower Wasteland
Level 57 - 65VeemonDark Tower Wasteland
Level 65 - 75GizumonInfinite Ice Wall

Special Conditions

Tamer Level 55+

NOTE: Not good for skill leveling, but fast Digimon leveling.
Level 1 - 46Complete QuestsMaze F1-F4.
Level 46 - 75AnyMaze Entrance.
Level 75 - 90AnyMaze F1-F4

Other Ways

Level 90-99

NOTE: To Unlock Desert Area you need Be 64++ Tamer and Need Complete Peace of File Island and Final Battle quests at Infinite MT,But Waterfront don't need any Tamer Level or Quest.
Level 90 - 95Argomon (Mega),GrandisKuwagamon,PileVolcamonFile Island Waterfront
Level 95 - 99Gazimon,Boarmon,GatomonServer Continent - Desert
Level 95 - 99Any digimonServer Continent Pyramid
NOTE: at level 95+ you will lv up Slowly because all wild Digimons are Level 93 or Less,then you will get less xp than normal because XP CAP, but the Xp from Quests or Items is not affected then if you have XP from quests at Waterfront, it is the best way to get 99.

Fast Level Up

NOTE: Use it if you are using a Mercenary Digimon 4/5 or Better

Level 1 - 31Etemon Raid BossServer Continent Desert
Level 31 - 46DexDoruGreymonOil Refinery-3
Level 31 - 46SabirdramonGotsumonRockmon (Leader), Cherrymon (Leader)Silver Lake
Level 46-75Any DigimonMaze Entrace
Level 75-90Kill what you Have AdvantageMaze F1-F3
Level 90 - 95Argomon (Mega)GrandisKuwagamonPileVolcamonFile Island Waterfront
Level 95 - 99GazimonBoarmonGatomonServer Continent - Desert
Level 95 - 99Any digimonServer Continent Pyramid